Visitability Means:

- One zero step entrance on an accessible path of travel from the street, sidewalk or driveway

- Doorways that provide 32 inches clear space throughout the home's main floor and hallways that provide 36 inches of clear width

- Basic access to a half or (preferably) full bath on the main floor

Summit's Jude Monson holding up a Missoulian newspaper showing a story about Visitability on the front page

Press and Media Coverage

As media outlets and other sources cover Visitability efforts in Montana, we will post links to articles and other media.


How visitable homes benefit you and your community

Visitability: Homes that include everyone

Home design: Missoula Habitat builds visitability

Accessible homes in Missoula get fast-tracked reviews

Susan Kohler: Growing older at home often requires modifications

Missoula Council: Resolution makes city more inclusive

Visitable housing allows greater independence