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Missoula F&CG Olmstead Recruitment Flyer

Are you a family member or a caregiver of a Montanan with a disability?

Join us for a focus group to share ideas on how Montana can make sure people with disabilities can live where they want!

Date: October 15, 2024

Time: 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

Location: via Zoom


If you answer “yes” to all four statements below, you can participate:

  1. I am a person with a disability who lives in the community in a non-congregant setting
  2. I am 18 years or older
  3. I live in Montana
  4. I can communicate (including using a communication device) in English or American Sign Language

If you answer “yes” to any of the statements below, we especially need to hear from you!

  • I used to live in a care facility or institution (examples: nursing homes, state hospital, intermediate care facility)
  • I have a waiver or service from the state of Montana (examples: Community First Choice, Big Sky Waiver, DD Waiver, SDMI Waiver)
  • I am on a waiting list to get a waiver or service from the State of Montana


Please fill out the registration form online by going to https://bit.ly/Olmstead-NWMT

It you need help completing the registration form, contact Marci Olsen by calling (406) 243-4510 or emailing marci.olsen@umt.edu


An Olmsted Plan is a State’s plan to ensure people with disabilities can receive State services in their communities. It is about helping people with disabilities live where they want. The State of Montana asked the Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities to help coordinate the creation of an Olmsted Plan.

To learn more about the Olmsted Plan and stay informed, go to: https://www.umt.edu/rural-institute/partnership/olmstead-plan.php


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