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Summit is teaming up with Missoula Public Health to get you ready for flu season!

Just pick a date from the list below, and come get your shot!

Seeley: Thursday, October 3rd, 3:00-6:00. Seeley High School

Clinton: Friday, October 4th, 3:00-6:00. Clinton School

Missoula Community Clinic: Wednesday, October 9th, 12:00-6:00, Home Arts Bldg-Fairgrounds

Lolo: Thursday, October 10th 3:00-6:00, Lolo Community Center

Health and Wellness Fair: Saturday, October 19th 11:00-4:00, UC Ballroom

YWCA/Meadowlark: Wednesday, October 23rd 11:00-2:00, Meadowlark Shelter

Bring your ID and insurance card if you have one, but no one will be turned away due to lack of insurance.

Logos of Missoula Public Health and the Caring Foundation of Montana, along with a photograph of the Care Van. text: Missoula Public Health & Care Van bringing six flu/covid shot clinic days to Missoula County! Pick a date and come get your shot! #FIGHT FLU #FIGHT COVID Call us with questions 406-258-3363

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