Summit’s Lake and Sanders County office in Ronan has had some great activities recently and has more planned! IL Specialist Betty LaFountain and Peer Advocate Mariah Armstrong-Johnson completed a Building Advocacy and Learning Leadership Skills (BALLS) training with Charlo High School juniors and seniors on March 6. After a short break, they will facilitate another BALLS training with freshman and sophomore students at Charlo HS starting March 20. Betty and Mariah have loved working with the students, and they say they learn a lot from the students every time they meet.
Summit Ronan completed a WRAP training this winter that went so well all the participants chose to continue meeting at the office weekly. The group will be an ongoing WRAP support group, which fits perfectly with the peer support nature of Independent Living and WRAP.
Staff from Lake and Sanders Counties are mindful of the victims and loved ones impacted by the many suicides in the area. Their efforts and plans are focused on whatever help they can provide with the issue. As they work with people of all ages and plan activities, they hope to increase individual and collective confidence and self-esteem. They look forward to a time when people in crisis get the help they need.